Monday, December 28, 2009

What's new for 2010?

I looked at my blog this morning and realized that I have not posted anything since the 15th!  So sorry for that.  The Christmas season was extremely busy for me and I just didn't realize that I had not posted anything.  Well, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

Now that Christmas is over, I begin to think of my goals for the new year - not only in my personal life but for my business as well.  I like to set goals, not resolutions, because it gives me a target to hit - so to speak.  Goals are good and best achieved when written down and kept before you.  I like to write yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals.  Time slips by me when I don't have a daily goal and I tend to just waste time, floundering around.  This week I will be writing those goals down and maybe sharing some with you, my visitors. 

What are some of your goals?  I'd love to hear about them. 

In the mean time, here is a photo of my family - they are my greatest blessing.  Thanks for stopping by today!  Have a great week!
