Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Relief - How We Can Help!

Haitian Disaster Relief

Stampin′ Up! demonstrators have a long history of making a difference in the lives of others--especially when disaster strikes and the need is greatest. So it was not surprising that so many demonstrators have contacted us in the past week asking what the plan is for helping to provide relief for those who continue to suffer from the effects of the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12.
Here is the plan:
From now until February 28, 2010, $2 from every I {Heart} Hearts stamp set ordered will be donated to the American Red Cross’ Haiti Relief and Development Fund. The Red Cross is already well-established in Haiti, and this money will be used to provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need.

Product Name
Item #
I {Heart} Hearts – clear-mount  (block D recommended)
I {Heart} Hearts – wood-mount
How awesome!!!  I love that Stampin' Up! always helps when there is a disaster or a need, and I had not ordered this set yet, so when I do, I will be helping as well. If you would like to order this set, please CLICK HERE.  Thank you!

Here is the set, so you can see what it looks like:
