Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Longer MIA!

Hello Everyone,

I have completed my big project, the person I created it for LOVED it, and now I can move on to other projects and paper crafting.

I wanted to share some photos of a girl's Card Club that began yesterday.  I meet with six, very talented, sweet young ladies, once a week on Wednesdays.  Yesterday was our first meeting and everyone was so excited.  Even though the girls had no previous experience with paper crafting, each one of them did a tremendous job!  I have attached photos of the girls (we were minus one yesterday due to sickness :(  I am looking forward to the next time!

From Left to Right:  Chadlyn, Sarah B., Sarah W., Lydia, and Hannah
Showing off their cards using SU's "Love You Much" stamp set.

Showing off their Blow Pop Valentine Cards using SU's "A Happy Heart" stamp set.

GREAT JOB girls - You ROCK!!!


Bridget said...

How fun! Their enthusiasm (and big smiles!!) must have been infectious :)

- Bridget